Meet the Makers

Meet Dianne

I fell in love with the fiber arts community while driving my daughter home from her first year of college.  We drove from New York to Colorado, stopping at small yarn stores along the way.  Our plan was to memorialize our trip with a blanket created with our locally hand dyed yarn from those stores.  We gained so much more than half a dozens skeins of yarn.  While I had been knitting and crocheting for decades, I was mostly a solo crafter with a knitting group thrown in here and there.  As we traveled from shop to shop, we shared stories—some related to fiber, some not—with amazing, helpful, encouraging and loving store owners and staff members.  We were surrounded with a blanket of warmth and acceptance; we didn’t want our journey to end.

Since my lifestyle and family situation doesn’t lend itself to endless cross-country trips, when an opportunity to partner with a talented fiber artist and create our own space within the community presented itself, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share the welcoming and encouraging experience I’ve had in the fiber arts community with others.


Meet Joey

The fiber arts crept into my life around 2010 or so. Hats and scarves were fun to make for a while, but then I craved to learn more. By 2013, the innocent hobby turned into an obsession: stitching, spinning, dyeing, processing, designing, the whole nine yards.

After years of learning new techniques, getting a handle on ambidextrous knitting, and the deepest desire to begin this little venture, it’s time to share this passion with you.

My specialties include, but are not limited to

  • all that brioche
  • chart reading
  • colorwork
  • processing wool
  • spinning on both a wheel and drop spindle